The Savor Today Collection
creating rhythms & routines to savor the sweet moments

simply designed, beautiful goods to remind you that
today is a gift.
Without balance, boundaries, and rhythm in our everyday lives, it’s a lot harder to enjoy the sweet moments. Savor Today helps you prioritize, clarify, and focus on what really matters.
I don't want SAVOR TODAY to feel like another phrase we throw around (#livelaughlove). The reality of our lives isn't easily fixed that way. Especially when house chores never end, health diagnoses may not change, jobs are lost, pandemics keep us anxious, and … (fill in what troubles your heart).
This collection is intended to truly inspire you (and me) to take the moments we need to rest, pray, mourn, or throw an adult tantrum. And after that, to remember that today is a gift. To create healthy habits for your heart and home, to stick to your rhythms, and to…
let sweet moments overwhelm you more than anything else whirling around you.

Add-on: Gift Wrap