How to live with grace + grit. This is real life.

Most inspiration for my lettering and my art comes from my own life. One of my favorite prints is Grace + Grit. I see it every single day. Those two words hang in my bedroom in a pretty gold frame found in an aisle at Target. In life, joy and sorrow - more often than not - go hand in hand. Life is hard just as much as it is sweet. And sure, your problems and troubles can (maybe) be put into perspective - #firstworldproblems some would say - but that doesn't lessen the hurt and pain. Maybe you're not experiencing troubled times, but we can surely look around us and see brokenness, tragedy and division. 

In my own life, I have walked both in joy and sorrow - sometimes sorrow alone seems to want to swallow me up. In those moments, I have to rehearse, believe and read scripture of God's grace, His loving kindness and His promises. I have to rehearse, believe and read scripture on God's desire to put in me a spirit that is not timid, but one of supernatural courage - grit

So whatever comes, let us each navigate the noise, chaos and brokenness with more grace and more grit. And since we are forgetful, be reminders to others of God's grace, forgiveness and hope. Be reminders to others to find courage to combat life's toughest moments. God has given us the power to overcome - that I can promise you. He's given us people - friendships - to remind us that with Him, all things are possible.

I pray you feel comforted reading this. I pray you're encouraged to seek someone out this week to be a reminder for them. To hold them up. Send me a note if you need prayer or encouragement right now.

3 Ways to Encourage Someone:

  1. Send them a note. Acknowledge their hardships and write down the ways they've show courage. Shop the Grace + Grit card here
  2. Drop off coffee or small gift at their door. 
  3. Text them or call them with a prayer and a word of encouragement

with joy,


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