How to Rock Mother’s Day: 6 women to honor and what to say

Mother's Day is around the corner and it’s a prime opportunity to honor the women in our lives. There's your mom. You'll want to show her you care in a way she'll find meaningful, but what about less obvious, though equally important, women who have shaped us or our children?

Each of us know women we don’t necessarily call “mom” who deserve to be recognized for their sacrifices and gift of presence in our lives. Let’s give a shout out to ALL the ladies who shape our families by their care and example.

Here are seven people who deserve recognition this Mother’s Day and what you can say to honor their influence and brighten their day.


We all have different relationships with our moms. Whatever the dynamic, we can recognize our mothers, while staying focused what is positive and true honoring their love and roles in our lives.

What to say:

  1. Share your favorite memory. Give her insight to that time with her you’ll never forget.

  2. Share three positive things you’ve learned from her. These can be sentimental or light-hearted. Whatever you say will communicate that she has shaped you as a human-being and you recognize her influence.

  3. Explain what you like most about your relationship with her. What role does she have that no one else can fill?

  4. Tell her what she’s taught you about being a mother. If you’re a mom too, you’ve likely had mothering moments that came from her example or advice.

  5. Wish her a beautiful day. For some relationships, a big gesture is a card letting her know you’re thinking of her on Mother’s Day. Maybe sneak in a gift card to her favorite store!


Take a few moments to recognize the mom-figures who shaped your spouse. She may be like your second mother or a person you see just on the holidays. Whatever her role, she’ll appreciate knowing you’re thinking of her on Mother’s Day.

What to say:

  1. Mention something you’ve learned from her family traditions and dynamics.

  2. Acknowledge positive things you appreciate in your spouse, which you attribute to her parenting.

  3. Share what you’ve learned from her as a person or about being a mother.

  4. Simply wish her a lovely day, and let her know you’re thinking of her.

Like a Mother

How many women in your world have shaped who you are? Mother’s Day is the perfect time to encourage all the influential mom-figures you’ve looked up to over the years. This might be your favorite grandmother, aunt, friend-of-the-family, or mentor.

What to say:

  1. Thank her for being a positive and caring influence in your life. You could even mention she’s been “like a mother”, a second mother, a mentor to you.

  2. Tell her you look up to her, and list a few ways you’ve learned from her example or hope to be like her.

  3. Mention that her words or actions have shaped you. What is something she’s said or done that you’ll never forget?

  4. Simply say, “I want to honor you on Mother’s Day as an influential woman in my life. I’m forever grateful for the ways you’ve shaped me.

ALL the moms

I bet you could make a long list of all the ladies – new and seasoned moms – who deserve a standing ovation for their constant commitment to family, considering all the sacrifices and balancing acts in life. Every mom has a unique set of challenges and needs an encouraging word to remind her that she’s doing a good job, including:

  • Working moms. Recognize co-workers and friends who balance a career while raising little ones. Bring over a meal and a little pampering at home gift!

  • Stay-at-home moms. Honor friends who dedicate full-time energy to their family and home life. Offer to babysit during the day if you can.

  • Single moms. Applaud the strength of the single women with kids in your world. Make sure to check-in on them and consider helping their kids put together a gift for Mother’s Day!

  • Foster and adoptive moms. Serve these women on Mother’s Day and beyond. When you’re a foster care mama, there are appointments, meetings and court hearings to attend. It can be emotionally and mentally taxing.

What to say:

  1. Point out what you’re learning as you watch her raise her kids.

  2. Make a list of ways your friend is rocking her mom-role.

  3. For example, “You look really good in spandex and tennis shoes.” or “You’re an amazing host no-matter what your living room looks like.”

  4. Remind your friend of her unique gifts and characteristics – the things that are true about her as an individual, with or without children in her world.

  5. Tell your friend how you’ve seen her grow as a person since having kids.

  6. Mention the ways you connect in parenting approaches and how it gives you perspective, keeps you sane, makes you laugh, etc.

Mother-heart friend

She’s a constant friend and example to your family – the one who came to your baby shower but hasn’t had her own, plays with your kids so you can go out, listens as you talk about your children, and reminds you of your identity in the midst of motherhood. If you’re a mom, you know that it takes a village to raise your child, and your friend with a mother-heart is a huge support to you.

What to say:

  1. Point out the ways she positively influences your children.

  2. Mention favorite memories your kids have with her.

  3. Recognize the generosity you see through her commitment to children.

  4. List the ways she blesses you and helps you to be a better mom.

The ones who are grieving

Consider to acknowledge, recognize and honor the loss of pregnancy, infertility, or death of their child or their own mother. Holidays like Mother’s Day can feel extra heavy. Leading up to the day, they’ve been inundated with messages of love and healthy relationships all while they may be feel sadness, isolation and the weight of grief. Don’t let this day pass without bringing some kind of relief to their mourning.

What to say:

  1. A simple, “You are loved and I’m thinking of you,” today goes a long way.

  2. Share a scripture with them, a prayer and a message of hope.

  3. Acknowledge their season and their grief: “You’ve shared with me how hard this season has been. I see your pain and honor your journey. I hope this season of grief is soon filled with hope and joy. “

  4. “I am always here for you as a safe place to process, grieve and to help you find joy.”

  5. Share a memory of their child or parent. Remind them how much they were loved by you and how their love will always be close.

give with joy wishes you a beautiful Mother’s Day! You have so much to give your family and community, and you deserve all the honor and encouraging words today. May you give and receive generously and with joy this Mother’s Day!

with joy,


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