Choosing Joy in a Heavy World

Lately, I keep overhearing strangers say, “Is it ever going to get better?” in different ways. And honestly? The weight of the world—nationally, globally, and in our own lives—can feel like too much. But we have a choice in how we respond.

Cynicism, criticism, anxiety, fear, isolation… it’s easy to slip into those responses because they feel natural when life feels heavy. But what if we chose something else? What if we chose to inspire joy, strengthen relationships, and bring back hope instead?

That looks like:

💌 A handwritten card in the mail, just because someone is a great friend.
🍲 A warm meal on someone’s doorstep when they’re grieving.
🧹 Cleaning a friend’s home when they feel overwhelmed.
💰 Covering someone’s dinner or leaving an extra-generous tip when you sense they need it.
🤐 Choosing not to engage in gossip.

I know budgets look different all the time, but let’s not budget our thoughtfulness and kindness—especially when we all need it more than ever.

At give with joy, this is what I do—help make thoughtfulness effortless. A card in the mail, a small gift, a simple note… these little things add up. They remind people they matter, they bring a smile on a hard day, and they turn ordinary moments into something meaningful. Because the world could always use more joy, and we’re here to help you spread it.

Let’s be the good. Let’s give with joy. 💛

with joy,


GWJ Founder

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