Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix

Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix
My mom bought me plants and flowers when I purchased my first home. When they bloom in the spring, I think of her love. Whether your purchasing these seed mixes for you or someone else, they will inspire joy.
Test Tube filled generously with seeds perfect for the midwest states.
A hefty amount of wildflower seeds adorably packaged in test tubes. Mix contains: Black-Eyed Susan, Clasping Coneflower, Corn Poppy, Cornflowers, Dwarf Primrose, Grey Coneflower, Bundleflower, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lavender Hyssop, Mexican Hat, New England Aster, Ox-Eye Sunflower, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Prairie Clover, Scarlet Flax, Daisy Perfect for areas including IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, WI
Directions: Sprinkle in soil during the spring or Fall. (Dormant Fall planting yields earlier wildflowers!) Water in the Spring as needed. These wildflowers are hardy and won't need much care!