Give Joy , Love Well: Loving our neighbor

Give Joy, Love Well is a tagline for give with joy. It’s a compass for my brand and my life, so I thought it was very relevant to create this new series where I share weekly ways to strengthen relationships and to spread joy.

There are many different layers to each of our relationships and I will dive into that more each week, but this week, we are going to focus on loving our neighbors - our physical neighbors that live across the hall, next door and on our street.

How do we do that?

Here’s a refresher on the always applicable rule of thumb: Treat others how you want to be treated. That’s a great benchmark for us and a jumping off point in all our encounters and relationships. Just think: When you’re sick: Do want to be considered and thought of? Would you want someone to pop-in to help with the kids or meal-time? If you know you’re neighbor is sick, having a baby, prepping for a big meeting…consider dropping a meal over without being asked. That simple act of service opens door to a better relationship with them. On the flip side, don’t be afraid to call and ask for some support. Personally, asking for help - that vulnerability - is a doorway into a more meaningful relationship.

Here are some more ideas to love your neighbor well:

  1. Drop off a surprise gift with a note of appreciation. I baked s’mores cookies and packaged them with a note, the recipe, and this Autumn Bucket List for my neighbor. A just because gift spreads joy. If baking isn’t your thing, then use your gifts to bless and to spread joy.

  2. Invite them over for dinner. Doesn’t have to be fancy to be meaningful. One of our neighbors are from California, so when our football teams are playing against each other, we invite them over for some chili. Think of shared interests and make it happen.

  3. Out-of-town help: If you know they are heading out of town, don’t wait from them to ask to pick up packages or water plants. Ask them what they need to make their trip away from home even sweeter. My neighbors have grabbed big packages, watered my dying garden and more.

  4. New to the neighborhood: Whether you just moved in or another family did, introduce yourself first. When I moved to Colorado nine years ago, I spent the first few months waiting for others to notice the new girl. I took that internal focus and began to do the work of building new relationships and engaging the people around me. You can leave a card introducing yourself/family and a way to get a hold of you if they need anything! You could also include a gift card to your favorite local shop or restaurant.

  5. Random and surprise acts of service: If you live where it snows and you’re already up early shoveling, do a little more and make sure your neighbors sidewalk or driveway is cleared before they wake up to do it! This happened to us and it was the best surprise. Also, hop on your neighborhood chat page and create a list of any homes that could use extra help during storms (or pandemics) like single parents, elderly or anyone with physical challenges.

Now, tell me how you’ve been served or how you serve your neighbors! Leave a comment!

with joy,


Aneta StorvikComment